Florida Greenways & Trails Foundation

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FGTF Record of Meeting June 1, 2023 -- Teleconference

Board members attending:

  • Dale Allen

  • Ned Baier

  • Mike Stephens

  • Harry Barley

  • Charlie Johnson

  • Kim DeLaney

  • Ken Bryan

Preliminary Business

  1. Dale convened the meeting at 1:00 p.m.  

  2. All Board members were on the call, except for Ned who had call-in problems but he joined us a few minutes later.

  3. Dale reviewed the draft meeting agenda and asked for comments.  Mike asked to add an item under Preliminaries having to do with a staffing change at Halff.  The agenda was approved with this change.

  4. The Record of Meeting from May 3, 2023 was approved with a unanimous vote.

  5. Mike reported that the Foundation’s accounting firm had completed our 2022 Federal tax filing (Form 990).  He had distributed a copy to all Board members for review and comment.  He said one question had been raised about our income from last year’s Summit but the firm felt it had been handled properly.  The document was approved with a unanimous vote.  Mike was asked to have the accounting firm proceed with submitting the filing.  (An extension to the filing deadline had been submitted earlier.)

  6. Mike reported that Alicia Germani with Halff would be retiring later this month and Lori Fricchione has been hired to be her successor.  Alicia had been handling several administrative duties for the Foundation including bill payments from the Truist Bank account after they were approved by Mike.  Mike suggested that he assume this responsibility, with Lori handling all the other administrative duties.  Everyone was comfortable with this.    

Old Business

  1. Website Update:  Ned and Charlie reported that work is underway and Erika set up a creative session via ZOOM on Tuesday, June 6 for some Board members to go over the new material that had been developed.  This work is expected to be completed in three weeks after this.  Ned and Charlie agreed to keep everyone posted.  Charlie suggested new website material be shown at the Board Retreat on June 23.  

  2. Report from FWC Landscape Conservation Summit:  Dale announced that he and Karen were not able to attend but Ned was currently at the Summit.  Ned reported that 200+ people were in attendance at the event in Ft. Myers.  The theme was partnerships and working together – the three Cs:  connect, collaborate and conserve.  Ned said he made a lot of good contacts, including Mallory Dimmett (FWCF).

New Business

Honorary Board:

  1. Bob Romig was nominated to serve on the Foundation’s Honorary Board.  This was approved with a unanimous vote.

Board Retreat on June 22-23, 2023 in Palm Coast:  

  1. Dale reviewed the draft agenda for both days and confirmed the speakers.  Mike suggested adding some time for an update on where FDOT stands with programming the additional funds that were approved as part of SB 106.  Dale said he would be speaking with Huiwei Shen and will report on the discussion.

  2. Ken reported that tables and chairs are provided by the venue but we will need to set them up.  He also reported there is no wi-fi.  He will bring a projector for presentations.  (After the meeting Ken confirmed that the venue has a projection screen.)  Kim said she would bring her laptop.  

  3. Dale told Ken to expect about 20 people for lunch on Thursday and a simple continental breakfast on Friday.  Ken will be handling these arrangements.  

  4. Dale will work with Ken on invitations to elected officials for the Thursday night reception.  There will not be any presentations.  This can happen later at a more appropriate setting.

  5. Dale reported that Mark Llewellyn, Sr. (a senior leader with Halff and an Honorary Board member) will be at the Board Retreat and the firm will make a $20,000 contribution to the Foundation.  Dale said he might have some other gifts to announce as well.

  6. Harry announced this would be a paperless Summit – no more binders of printed materials.  He said all documents pertaining to the Summit will be sent to Board members electronically.  Dale asked that at least a few hard copies of the agenda be available.

Calendar Items

  1. Board meeting conference call will be held on July 13, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.  This is to wrap up the Retreat and determine action steps.  All Board members except for Kim said they planned to take part in this meeting; Kim was going to see if she could make a calendar change so she could join us.

  2. The Board meeting conference call scheduled for August 3 is cancelled.

  3. Plans are still tentative for the Board meeting on October 26-27, 2023 in Tallahassee.  Dale said he will be working with FDOT and FDEP staff members to confirm their availability.

Other Items

  1. Dale polled Board members for any final comments.  Mike reported on a problem for users of the Wekiva Trail with getting access to Rock Springs.  This calls attention to a larger issue with some trying to limit access for trail users.  Kim said she has some experience with this issue and there is both formal and informal access.  Mike and Kim felt there could be a role for the Foundation in resolving this matter.  

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:56 p.m.

Individual Follow-up Items

Dale: Join ZOOM meeting on June 6 to review website work

Finalize Board Retreat agenda with Harry

Work with Ken to extend invitations to the reception on Thursday, June 22

Work on bringing in other gifts to the Foundation

Talk with key FDOT and FDEP staff members about their availability for our Board meeting on October 26-27, 2023 in Tallahassee.

Harry: Post June meeting material in our Google docs directory.

Prepare draft Record of Meeting for June 1, 2023 and send to all Board members for review.

Join ZOOM meeting on June 6 to review website work

Work with Dale to finalize the agenda for Board Retreat on June 22-23, 2023.

Send notice to all Board members canceling the August 3, 2023 Board meeting (conference call).

Send final Board Retreat agenda and read-ahead materials electronically to all Board members one week prior to the meeting.  

Mike: Authorize the accounting firm to submit Federal tax filing (990) for 2022.

Work with Truist Bank to arrange for change in procedure with paying bills

Ned: Join the ZOOM call on June 6 to review new website work

Charlie: Join the ZOOM call on June 6 to review new website work

Bring flash drive with new website material to Board Retreat June 22-23

Ken: Work with Dale to extend invitations to reception on June 22

Arrange for lunch on June 22 and light breakfast on June 23

Bring projector to Board Retreat

Kim: Bring laptop to Board Retreat

* * * * * * *

First draft: June 5, 2023

Final draft: June 14, 2023